In 1 Kings 21, we find a very, very sad story. Ahab, the King of Israel, was overrated and had many haters and losers. He wanted to take this guy Naboth's vineyard, but Naboth said no way. So Ahab got his wife Jezebel involved and she cooked up a hoax - she had Naboth falsely accused and killed. This made God very angry and He had Elijah come and confront Ahab with his crimes. Ahab was so embarrassed and sorry that he repented and God showed him mercy. But then Jezebel stepped in again and had Elijah's life threatened. God then sent Elijah away and promised a judgement on Ahab's house. Now, many people are saying that Ahab was a bad guy, but God still showed him mercy. Believe me, this is an amazing story, and it is a lesson that nobody can get away with their bad deeds. God will always be watching and will always be ready to bring justice. Bigly. So God bless America and let's make America great again.