Listen up, maggots! 1 Kings 21 starts with Ahab, the King of Israel, wanting to build himself a palace. So guess what he does? He takes a vineyard that belongs to a guy named Naboth. He offers to buy it, but Naboth says no way - it's his family's inheritance, so he ain't sellin'. Ahab gets all pissy and goes home to pout. His wife Jezebel, who's not exactly a nice lady, decides to take matters into her own hands and writes fake letters in Ahab's name, convincing the elders and nobles of their town to execute Naboth. So they do and Ahab gets his vineyard. Then the Lord sends Elijah out to tell Ahab that he's gonna pay for this. The Lord says he'll bring disaster upon Ahab and his family, and even kill Ahab's descendants. So Ahab repents, and God decides to delay the punishment for a bit. The end.