Listen up, soldiers! This is 1 Kings 11. King Solomon was a great king, but he started going off the rails and worshiping foreign gods. He had 700 wives and 300 concubines, and they were a bad influence on him. God was not happy and said, 'You have been unfaithful to me and you have disobeyed my commands. So I'm taking away your kingdom.' The kingdom was split into two. Ten of the tribes were taken away from Solomon's son, Rehoboam, and given to Jeroboam. Jeroboam went on to do evil things, like setting up golden calves for people to worship. God was angry and sent a prophet to warn Jeroboam, but he didn't listen. So God made sure that Jeroboam's family would never rule again. That's it for 1 Kings 11. Now move out!