Listen up, recruits! This is 1 Kings Chapter 2. King David is old and about to die. He tells Solomon, his son, to obey God's commands, be strong and courageous. He tells him to make sure Joab and Shimei are punished for their wrongdoings. Then, Solomon is anointed king. Adonijah, David's other son, tries to take the throne, but Solomon has him executed. Solomon also has Joab executed for killing Abner and Amasa. Abiathar, a priest, is exiled by Solomon for helping Adonijah. Solomon appoints Benaiah to replace Joab as commander of the army, and Zadok to replace Abiathar as high priest. Solomon also grants Shimei's request to live in Jerusalem. That's it, recruits. Now you know what happened in 1 Kings Chapter 2.