Peter: Alright, so 1 Kings 2. Let's see here. So after King David dies, his son Solomon takes the throne, and God tells him to do what is just and right.

Lois: Wait, you mean like the singer?

Peter: No, not Seal. This is King Solomon from the Bible. Anyway, so God tells him to do the right thing and follow the Law of Moses.

Brian: Oh, like the Ten Commandments?

Peter: Yeah, sure. So then Solomon's brother Adonijah tries to take the throne, but Solomon is like, "Nuh-uh, bro." And then he kills his enemies and makes sure that his throne is secure.

Stewie: Wow, that's so meta. Like, isn't it always the case that when a new ruler takes the throne, they have to kill off the old king's enemies?

Peter: Uh, yeah, I guess so. Anyway, so then Solomon rewards his loyal servants, and then God blesses him with wisdom and wealth.

Lois: Like, dollar signs?

Peter: No, not dollar signs. Spiritual wealth.

Brian: Oh, okay. So Solomon is like the king of the entire kingdom of Israel.

Stewie: Yeah, he's like a real-life Tony Stark.