Peter: Alright, so 1 Kings 3. That's when King Solomon asked for wisdom.
Lois: You mean like wisdom to make good decisions?
Peter: Yeah, that's exactly it. So, God was so impressed with Solomon's request that he gave him riches, honor and ... wisdom, of course.
Brian: I hear you, man. That's some real Forrest Gump wisdom, right there.
Peter: Yeah, I guess. But then God also gave Solomon the power to be able to discern between good and evil, which is like the ultimate superpower.
Lois: Wow, that's pretty impressive.
Stewie: Yeah, and then there was that famous story about two women who claimed to be the mother of the same baby. Solomon's wisdom helped him figure out who the real mother was.
Peter: Right. And then God was so pleased with Solomon's wisdom, that he gave him even more riches and honor.
Brian: Wow. Talk about a happy ending.
Lois: That's true. It's a great example of why it's important to seek wisdom.
Peter: Yup, that's the moral of the story. If you ask for wisdom, you'll get riches and honor too.