Peter: Alright, so we got 1 Kings 4; let's get into it!

Lois: Oh, boy.

Cleveland: So, what's it about?

Peter: It's all about King Solomon, who's like the king of the Bible. He was really wise, so he divided the kingdom into twelve districts, and appointed officers over them.

Joe: Sounds kinda like The Hunger Games.

Peter: Yeah, kinda. And then he had like a bunch of animals, and he was really good at trading, and he had like a million of different kinds of food and drink. It was like his version of Costco.

Quagmire: Alright, I like where this is going.

Peter: Yeah, and then he had a bunch of chariots and horses, and he was really good at music and poetry. It was like he was the ancient version of Justin Bieber.

Brian: So, did he have any kids?

Peter: Nope, he didn't. But he was so famous that everyone throughout the land asked him for advice.

Lois: Wow.

Peter: Yeah, and then he died, and his son Rehoboam became king.

Cleveland: That's it?

Peter: Yup, that's it!

Brian: Well, that was certainly ... educational.