Batman: So Robin, what have you learned about 1 Kings 4?

Robin: Well Batman, it looks like King Solomon really had it all! He ruled over all of Israel and had great wealth and wisdom.

Batman: Wow! That's impressive!

Catwoman: But it wasn't all good news, Batman! Solomon had to share his wealth and wisdom with some pretty shady characters like the Phoenician traders and the kings of the land.

Robin: Yeah, and he had a lot of officials working for him, too!

Riddler: It looks like Solomon was a real power player!

Joker: He sure was! He had 12 governors over all the land and they were in charge of providing food for the king and his household.

Penguin: Oh, and get this Batman! He even had ships that sailed to the land of Ophir to bring back gold, silver, and other precious stones!

Batman: That's incredible! It sounds like King Solomon had it all.