Batman: Holy Biblical history, Robin! It's time to look into 1 Kings 18.

Robin: What's going on, Batman?

Batman: Elijah, the prophet of God, has challenged the wicked king Ahab to a showdown between the prophets of Baal and the prophets of God at Mount Carmel. Ahab agrees.

Robin: What a setup! Will justice prevail?

Batman: We'll have to wait and see, Robin. But Elijah proposes that the two sides each offer a sacrifice to their god and pray for a sign of approval. Whoever's god answers with fire will be the one true god.

Robin: And what happened?

Batman: Well, the prophets of Baal called on their god all morning and afternoon, but there was no answer. Then, Elijah built his altar and prayed for God to answer with fire. Suddenly, a great fire descended from heaven and consumed the offering!

Robin: Wow! The power of God is incredible!

Batman: Indeed it is, Robin. The people were so amazed that they shouted, "The Lord, He is God! The Lord, He is God!"