Joe: Alright, so we're talking about 1 Kings 18. What's the story?
Bible Expert: Well, this chapter is about a showdown between the prophets of Baal and the prophets of the Lord. Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal to a contest to prove who is the true God. He proposes that two bulls be sacrificed on opposing altars, and that the true God will send down fire from Heaven to consume the sacrifice.
Joe: That sounds intense! What happens?
Bible Expert: The prophets of Baal go first, and they cry out to their gods all day, but nothing happens. But then Elijah builds an altar to the Lord, and then he pours water over the sacrifice three times. Then, as soon as he finishes, a fire descends from Heaven and consumes the sacrifice.
Joe: Whoa! That's crazy! What happens then?
Bible Expert: Then, the people fall down and worship the Lord, and they put the false prophets of Baal to death. Then, Elijah tells the people to gather around him, and he prays for rain to end the drought. After his prayer, a rainstorm begins and the drought is over.
Joe: Amazing! So, this is why 1 Kings 18 is so important to believers?
Bible Expert: Absolutely! It shows the power of the Lord, and that he is the true God, and it reminds us that he can answer our prayers if we have faith.