Joe: Alright, we're talking about 1 Kings 10 today. So what's up with this chapter?
Bible Expert: Sure, so in 1 Kings 10, we see the arrival of the Queen of Sheba. She comes to visit King Solomon and tests him with hard questions. She is so impressed by his wisdom that she brings him many gifts of gold, spices, and precious stones.
Joe: Wow, that's wild. What does she ask him?
Bible Expert: Well, she asks him all kinds of questions about things like politics, economics, and philosophy. Solomon answers them all with great wisdom and she is so impressed that she brings him these wonderful gifts.
Joe: That's awesome! So what else happens?
Bible Expert: Well, Solomon's wealth and power increase greatly. He builds ships and sends them on trading voyages, and brings back more gold, silver, and other precious stones. He also builds a great temple in Jerusalem and dedicates it to God.
Joe: That's incredible! So what else?
Bible Expert: Well, God blesses Solomon with great wisdom and understanding. He also gives him a long life and great wealth. And finally, Solomon also prays for his people, asking God to give them a long and prosperous life.