Listen up ya' maggots! This is 1 Kings 18. It's about a guy named Elijah confronting the king of Israel about false gods. So Elijah tells the king to gather everyone together, and Elijah will show them who the real God is by having a showdown between Elijah's God and the false gods. So Elijah builds an altar to the true God and puts a bull on it for a sacrifice. Then he tells the false prophets to put a bull on their altar and do the same. So they do, and then Elijah says to the people, "The God who answers by fire, he is the true God." So the false prophets call on their gods and nothing happens. But when Elijah calls on his God, fire comes down from heaven and consumes the sacrifice. Everyone was amazed and they all declared that the true God was the one that Elijah served. The end.