Robin: Batman, something terrible has happened!
Batman: What is it, Robin?
Robin: King Rehoboam has rejected the Lord's advice and has become a wicked king. He has made the people of Israel to labor excessively, creating a heavy burden on them.
Batman: That is terrible indeed! What else happened?
Robin: Well, in response to this, the people of Israel asked for a new king and Jeroboam became their new king.
Batman: So what did Jeroboam do?
Robin: He set up two golden calves, one in Bethel and the other in Dan, for worship of the Lord. He also appointed priests from all sorts of people, even from the lowest of the people of Israel.
Batman: What a wicked deed!
Robin: Yes, it is. He also set up feasts in the eighth month instead of the seventh month, which was the Lord's prescribed time for feasts.
Batman: This is truly a dark day for Israel. I hope they can find their way back to the Lord's path.