• Chapter 1

    Batman: To the Bat-Cave, Robin! We've got work to do! Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: We've got to summarize the Bible for the folks at home! Robin: Wow, that's a big project! Where should we start?

  • Chapter 2

    Batman: Gather round, Robin, for the story of Matthew 2. Robin: What happened, Batman? Batman: King Herod was troubled by the news of a newborn king, and so he commanded the wise men to search for the child and return with news of his whereabouts.

  • Chapter 3

    (Batman and Robin are standing in the cave) Batman: Robin, let us review the events of Matthew 3. Robin: Right away, Batman. It begins with John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness, warning the people of Israel to repent and prepare for the coming of the Lord.

  • Chapter 4

    Batman: Greetings, Robin! We are in the middle of the gospel of Matthew, and in this chapter, we find Jesus being tempted by the Devil! Robin: Holy temptation, Batman! How did that happen? Batman: Well, the Devil took Jesus to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world.

  • Chapter 5

    Robin: Holy Scripture, Batman! It looks like we've just stumbled across the fifth chapter of the book of Matthew! Batman: Indeed, young ward. What does it say? Joker: I'll tell you what it says! It says that Jesus is introducing the concept of righteousness to his followers.

  • Chapter 6

    Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! What's going on in Matthew 6? Batman: We've got a lot to cover, Robin. Jesus is teaching his followers how to pray, how to give to charity, and how to fast. Joker: Why should anyone bother with any of that stuff? It's all so boring!

  • Chapter 7

    Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! Chapter 7 of the book of Matthew is about an important lesson in judgment! Batman: Yes, Robin. Jesus taught that we should not judge others, for as we judge, we shall be judged.

  • Chapter 8

    Robin: Batman, this chapter of the Bible contains many stories of Jesus' healing power. Batman: It's a good thing he had it, for the sake of those who were in need of his help. Penguin: Ah, the old 'miracle worker' routine.

  • Chapter 9

    Batman: Robin, something strange is going on. Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: Jesus is healing the sick and restoring sight to the blind, even forgiving the sins of some people. Catwoman: How can he do such things?

  • Chapter 10

    Batman: Robin, we must take on the mission of summarizing the tenth chapter of the book of Matthew! Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! What do we need to do? Batman: Well, old chum, Jesus is sending out the twelve apostles to spread the good news.

  • Chapter 11

    (Batman and Robin are walking down a hallway in the Batcave) Batman: Robin, it looks like we have a new mission. We must summarize Matthew 11. Robin: Ah, the Gospel of Matthew. What is the chapter about?

  • Chapter 12

    (Batman and Robin are hiding in the shadows of a nearby building, watching a crowd gathered around Jesus). Batman: Robin, do you see what the people are doing? Robin: It looks like they're listening to Jesus preach.

  • Chapter 13

    Batman: Greetings, Robin. Let us take a look at Matthew 13! Robin: Alright, Batman! What do we have in store? Batman: Jesus taught the people many parables, including the parable of the sower, the parable of the wheat and tares, and the parable of the mustard seed.

  • Chapter 14

    Batman: Robin, we must protect the people of Israel from the cruel despot King Herod! Robin: You're right, Batman! What should we do? Batman: King Herod is so threatened by Jesus that he wants to kill him.

  • Chapter 15

    Batman: Robin, can you believe it? I just heard about what happened in Matthew 15! Robin: What happened, Batman? Batman: Jesus was being criticized for not following the rules of the Pharisees. He defended his actions by saying that it is not what goes into a person's mouth that defiles them, but what comes out of it.

  • Chapter 16

    Batman: Greetings, Robin. We have a new challenge before us, a challenge presented to us by the all-knowing Bible. Robin: What's the challenge, Batman? Batman: In the 16th chapter of Matthew, Jesus asks his disciples, "Who do people say the Son of Man is?"

  • Chapter 17

    Batman: Robin, you must prepare yourself for the challenge ahead. We are entering the Bible chapter of Matthew 17. Robin: What is the challenge, Batman? Batman: We must unravel the mystery of the Transfiguration of Jesus.

  • Chapter 18

    (Batman and Robin are standing in the Batcave) Batman: Robin, it's time to review the events of Matthew 18. Robin: Let's do it! Batman: Jesus taught his disciples about humility and service, saying that whoever wants to be great must be the servant of all.

  • Chapter 19

    Batman: Robin, we must make haste for Matthew 19! Robin: But why, Batman? What does the chapter tell us? Batman: Matthew 19 speaks of a conversation between Jesus and the Pharisees, who asked him if it is lawful for a man to divorce his wife.

  • Chapter 20

    Batman: Foul fiends! It appears that in Chapter Twenty of the Bible, Jesus told a parable about workers in a vineyard. Robin: Holy labor laws, Batman! He said that those who worked for an entire day were paid the same as those who had worked only one hour.

  • Chapter 21

    Robin: Holy hard lessons, Batman! Jesus is really getting tough with the people of Jerusalem. Batman: Indeed, Robin. He entered the city with great fanfare, being hailed as a King. But then he went to the temple and saw merchants in the outer court.

  • Chapter 22

    Batman: Robin, tonight we're on the trail of the mysterious biblical villains, the Pharisees. Robin: What are they up to this time, Batman? Batman: They've come up with a tricky test to trip up Jesus.

  • Chapter 23

    Batman: Gather 'round, Robin! It's time for another exciting chapter from the Bible! Robin: Where are we today, Batman? Batman: We're in Matthew 23. The Pharisees and scribes have been criticizing Jesus, so He's about to have some words for them.

  • Chapter 24

    Joker: What's going on here? Batman: It's Matthew 24, Joker. Jesus is predicting the end of the world and warning his disciples about the signs to look for in the last days. Robin: He's telling them to be prepared and have faith when the time comes.

  • Chapter 25

    Batman: Ah, Robin, it's time to talk about Matthew 25. Robin: What's it about, Batman? Batman: It's a parable of the Kingdom of Heaven. It tells us that those who are prepared will be rewarded in the Kingdom of Heaven.

  • Chapter 26

    Batman: It's time to take a look at Matthew 26, Robin! Robin: What's the story? Batman: This chapter starts with the chief priests and scoundrels gathering together to plan how they can arrest Jesus and kill him.

  • Chapter 27

    Robin: Holy scripture, Batman! It looks like our old nemesis, Judas, has betrayed Jesus to the chief priests and officers of the Sanhedrin! Batman: Not so fast, Robin! They have given Judas 30 pieces of silver to do so, but Judas has had a change of heart and has thrown the money into the temple.

  • Chapter 28

    Batman: Robin, we've come to the end of our journey through the Bible. It's time to read Matthew 28! Robin: Right, Batman! Joker (interrupting): Hey! I'm the one who always interrupts your Bible readings!