Chapter 1
Batman: Greetings, Robin. It seems we have been called upon to summarize the mystery and majesty of the Bible's first epistle to the Corinthians. Robin: Ah, yes, the great Apostle Paul! What a remarkable man! →
Chapter 2
Batman: Robin, it's time for us to look into the mysterious world of the Bible. Robin: What's the chapter, Batman? Batman: It's 1 Corinthians 2. Joker: I'm intrigued. Is it full of danger and excitement? →
Chapter 3
Batman: Holy architecture, Robin! What do we have here? Robin: It looks like 1 Corinthians 3, Batman! Joker: Ah, 1 Corinthians 3. The chapter of spiritual foundations! Batman: Indeed, Joker. Paul is making it clear that the foundation of the church is Jesus. →
Chapter 4
(Batman and Robin are standing in a church) Batman: This is 1 Corinthians 4, Robin. Robin: What should we know about it? Batman: Paul is warning the church in Corinth to stay humble and not be too proud of themselves. →
Chapter 5
Robin: Holy smokes, Batman! It looks like Paul has some strong words for the church in Corinth. Batman: I'm afraid you're right, Robin. It seems that one of the members of the church was engaging in some serious immorality, and Paul is calling them out. →
Chapter 6
Robin: Holy Scripture, Batman! Paul says that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, so we shouldn't be committing sexual immorality, no matter what the world says. Batman: You're right, Robin. He also says that Christians will not inherit the Kingdom of God if they keep on sinning that way. →
Chapter 7
Batman: The chapter of 1 Corinthians 7 has some important lessons for us, Robin. Robin: What sort of lessons, Batman? Batman: Well, it says that it's good to stay unmarried, but if you do marry, make sure you only marry someone who is a believer. →
Chapter 8
Batman: Robin, I believe we have a riddle to solve in 1 Corinthians 8. Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: We must address the question of whether it is right to eat food that has been offered to idols. →
Chapter 9
Batman: Robin, have you read the latest chapter of the Bible? Robin: Yes, Batman! It's 1 Corinthians 9! Batman: What did it say? Robin: It talks about a very important issue - our responsibility to share the gospel with others. →
Chapter 10
Batman: Robin, this chapter of the Bible is all about warning us against temptation. Robin: But Batman, how do we guard against temptation? Batman: We must remain vigilant, Robin. We must remember to always put God first and put our trust in Him. →
Chapter 11
Batman: Robin, I've been studying the Bible and it seems that in 1 Corinthians 11, Paul is talking about how we should practice proper decorum and respect when we come together as a church. Robin: What do you mean, Batman? →
Chapter 12
Batman: Robin, we must discuss 1 Corinthians 12! Robin: I'm all ears, Batman. Batman: It says that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are varied, but they all come from the same source. There are many different spiritual gifts, but they are all part of the same body. →
Chapter 13
Batman: 'Tis the season of love, Robin! Robin: It certainly is, Batman. Joker: Ooo, I love a season of love! It's so much fun to spread chaos and confusion! Catwoman: Not so fast, Joker. That's not what the Bible says. →
Chapter 14
Batman: Robin, we have arrived at 1 Corinthians 14! Robin: What do you think we'll discover here, Batman? Batman: Let's find out! It says here that one who speaks in a tongue should pray for the ability to interpret so that the congregation may be edified. →
Chapter 15
Batman: Robin! I just read 1 Corinthians 15. Robin: What is it, Batman? Batman: It's all about the resurrection of the dead. Paul is saying that he taught them about the resurrection and if it's not true, then our faith is in vain. →
Chapter 16
Robin: Holy bookkeeping, Batman! What's in the Bible chapter 1 Corinthians 16? Batman: It's all about getting organized, Robin. Paul tells the Corinthians they should appoint people to take care of the collection of money they are making for the church. →