Batman: Robin, have you read the latest chapter of the Bible?

Robin: Yes, Batman! It's 1 Corinthians 9!

Batman: What did it say?

Robin: It talks about a very important issue - our responsibility to share the gospel with others.

Batman: That's right, Robin. I think the Riddler would be interested in this chapter.

Riddler: What is it, Batman?

Batman: 1 Corinthians 9 talks about our duty to spread the gospel with those who need it.

Riddler: That sounds like fun!

Batman: It is our responsibility as Christians to share the good news of Jesus with others. It doesn't matter if we're paid or not, we should still do it.

Robin: It also says that if we are paid, we shouldn't be ashamed of accepting it.

Riddler: That's interesting. I'm sure I can find some way to use this to my advantage!