Peter: Alright, now we're gonna talk about 1 Corinthians 9. This one's about Paul defending his rights as an apostle.

Lois: Oh, like when Indiana Jones was defending his right to keep the golden idol?

Peter: No, Lois, not quite like that. So Paul's saying that just like an ox gets grain for plowing, he deserves to be paid for his work.

Stewie: Oh, like when the guys from "Dumb and Dumber" were getting paid to return the briefcase?

Peter: No, Stewie, not quite like that either. Paul's also saying that he shouldn't be a burden on anyone and that he's willing to become all things to all people to win them over.

Brian: Ah, like when Woody Allen was trying to win over Mia Farrow?

Peter: No, Brian, not quite like that either. Paul's also saying that he's not under the law but under grace.

Cleveland: Oh, like when Homer Simpson was trying to get out of a parking ticket?

Peter: No, Cleveland, not quite like that either. Paul's saying that he's free from the law but still follows it out of love for God.