Peter: Alright, here we go, 1 Corinthians 12!

Brian: Woohoo! What's happening this time?

Peter: Well, it starts off by talking about spiritual gifts - everyone has different gifts and we should use them to serve each other.

Brian: Oh, like how I'm always the one making the wisecracks at parties?

Peter: Yeah, like that, only maybe a little less cringeworthy. It also says if one part of the body suffers, we all suffer.

Brian: Like when I got my toe stuck in the toaster?

Peter: Yeah, like that. It's all about loving each other and using our gifts to build each other up.

Brian: That's great - like the time I tried to cheer up Quagmire by taking him to the zoo!

Peter: Yup, just like that. So, 1 Corinthians 12: Use your gifts to help others and don't be selfish.

Brian: Alright, I got it. Now can I have my toe back?