Listen, Jack, my father used to say, you know, "A body needs all its parts to work right." Well, that's true of the Church, too. See here, Jack, if you want to be a part of the Church - like a foot, or a hand, or an eye - you gotta work together with the rest of the parts. C'mon, man, that's why Paul said, "There are different kinds of gifts, different kinds of service, different kinds of working, but it's the same God who produces all of them in all of us." Folks, I'm not joking - no malarkey! - there's different kinds of gifts and ministries and activities, but it's all from the same Lord. It's like, literally, every part of the body is important. What was that? The foot can't say to the hand, "You don't belong here." Or uh, you know, the ear can't say to the eye, "I don't need you." That's not gonna happen. I tell you what: the Church needs everybody to do their part. Excuse me, but without everyone working together, the Church just wouldn't be the same.