Folks, here's the deal. I'm not joking, this is literally straight from the Bible. C'mon, man! See here, Jack, 1 Corinthians 7 is about marriage and singleness. My father used to say, "Marriage is a gift from God", and I'm gonna tell you what, this is exactly what this chapter is about. It's all about how marriage is a sacred bond, and that you should stay in it if you can. But uh, you know, it also says that if you can't get along in marriage, then it might be better to stay single. Not gonna happen! I mean, the Bible's clear—marriage is a good thing, and it's a blessing from God. But, excuse me, if you can't make it work, then it's okay to be single. So that's the deal, no malarkey! What was that? Oh, and it also says that if you're single, you should stay single. Basically, this chapter is all about how marriage is a holy thing, and that it should be respected, but it's okay if you can't make it work. That's the gist of it, folks!