Batman: The chapter of 1 Corinthians 7 has some important lessons for us, Robin.
Robin: What sort of lessons, Batman?
Batman: Well, it says that it's good to stay unmarried, but if you do marry, make sure you only marry someone who is a believer.
Catwoman: I don't see any harm in marrying someone who isn't a believer, Batman.
Batman: That may be true, Catwoman, but the Bible says that it can cause trouble in the marriage. It also says that if a husband or wife is an unbeliever, it's best for the other partner to stay with them.
Riddler: What about divorce, Batman?
Batman: The Bible is clear on that. It says that if one partner is an unbeliever, the other partner is not bound to stay in the marriage. But it also says that if possible, both partners should stay together.