Batman: Robin, this chapter of the Bible is all about warning us against temptation.

Robin: But Batman, how do we guard against temptation?

Batman: We must remain vigilant, Robin. We must remember to always put God first and put our trust in Him.

Catwoman: Oh please, Batman and Robin, I'm sure you two know all about temptation, don't you?

Batman: Catwoman, we must always use our strength of character to resist temptation.

Robin: That's right, Catwoman. We must also remember that God is faithful and will never leave us or forsake us, no matter what temptations come our way.

Riddler: Ha! How can you two be so sure?

Batman: Riddler, the Bible tells us that God will provide a way out of temptation so that we can stand up to it.

Robin: That's right. We just have to remember to stay focused on God and be faithful to Him.