Robin: Holy smokes, Batman! It looks like Paul has some strong words for the church in Corinth.
Batman: I'm afraid you're right, Robin. It seems that one of the members of the church was engaging in some serious immorality, and Paul is calling them out.
Joker: Ha ha ha! Paul sure isn't mincing words, is he? He's telling them to excommunicate the man from the church.
Robin: That's a pretty serious punishment, Joker.
Batman: It is, Robin, but it's necessary for the health of the church. Paul is warning them that if they don't take action, then the sin will spread.
Catwoman: Sounds like Paul is pretty serious about this. He's telling the church to not even associate with the immoral person.
Batman: He is, Catwoman. He's telling them to purge the evil from their midst, so that they can remain pure.