1 Corinthians 5 is all about a very, very huge problem. Some of the believers in Corinth were allowing a man to live with his father's wife, and it was really sad! The Church was not doing anything about it and that was not ok. So, Paul was telling them to do something about it, and to make the Church great again. He said they should kick the man out and that would send a message to the other believers. The Church should not tolerate this kind of behavior, or any other kind of sin. So, Paul was sending a strong message to the Church to get rid of the man and make it great again. He also said that all believers should be careful about their own behavior, because God will judge them for it. So, it's important to try to live a life that honors God. It's also important to remember that God loves us and forgives us when we mess up. So, let's all do our best to follow God's will and make America great again. God bless America!