Paul starts off 1 Corinthians 8 with a bigly reminder that knowledge isn't everything - there are overrated many people out there who think they know it all, but they don't. He says that knowledge can puff a person up, and that it's important to be aware of the deep state implications. Paul then goes on to talk about food sacrificed to idols. He says that while some may think it's okay to eat it, others may find it offensive to their beliefs, so it's better to avoid it in order to avoid causing another believer to stumble. Paul then talks about how great it is to have knowledge, but he is also quick to point out that fake news it can be used in a way that is not very, very good. He talks about how knowledge can lead to arrogance, and that's something to be aware of. Finally, Paul issues a tremendous warning to those who think they know it all: they may think they are fine people, but they could be leading others astray and causing them to sin. In summary, 1 Corinthians 8 is all about being aware of how knowledge can be used in a negative way and how it can lead to arrogance. Many people are saying it's a terrific chapter that makes America great again, and God bless America for it!