Joe: Alright, so we’re talking about 1 Corinthians 12. Tell me what this chapter is about.
Bible Expert: This chapter is about the body of Christ and what it means to be unified. Paul is teaching about the importance of unity and the way that each member of the body has their own gifts and abilities.
Joe: Wow, sounds really important. What are these gifts and abilities?
Bible Expert: Well, these gifts can be spiritual gifts, such as speaking in tongues and prophecy, or they can be more practical gifts, like teaching or serving. There are also different kinds of service and different kinds of working.
Joe: Interesting. So why is this unity so important?
Bible Expert: Well, it’s important because we are all part of the same body. We all have different gifts, but when we come together in unity we can accomplish more than we could on our own. We can use our gifts to build up one another and to glorify God.
Joe: That’s awesome. So, what does Paul say about how we should be unified?
Bible Expert: Paul says that we should all work together in harmony and love, and that we should be humble and not think too highly of ourselves. We should be willing to use our gifts for the benefit of the body, and not to compete with each other.