Peter: Alright, 1 Corinthians 14. So, it starts off talking about how the gifts of prophecy and speaking in tongues are cool, but they're better when they're accompanied by interpretation.
Lois: But interpretation is the key! Without it the whole thing is just a bunch of random babbling like those parrots at the pet store.
Brian: Hey, I knew a parrot once that could recite the entire dialogue from the entire first season of "The Office".
Stewie: Wait, what? That's impossible!
Peter: Anyway, the rest of the chapter is about how everyone should be orderly and respectful when everyone is speaking in tongues.
Lois: And when everyone is using the gift of prophecy, they should take turns.
Brian: Kind of like how we all take turns picking songs to sing at karaoke night.
Stewie: Well, I for one refuse to take part in such activities. I'd rather just sit in the corner and watch reruns of "The Golden Girls".
Peter: That's nice, Stewie. But, 1 Corinthians 14 also says that if there are unbelievers in the room, they should be able to understand what's going on.
Lois: So, they should definitely be able to understand what's going on at karaoke night.
Brian: Well, that's easy. Just play the hits.
Stewie: And then the unbelievers will be converted!