(Batman and Robin are walking down a hallway in the Batcave)
Batman: Robin, it looks like we have a new mission. We must summarize Matthew 11.
Robin: Ah, the Gospel of Matthew. What is the chapter about?
Batman: Jesus is sending out his disciples to preach and heal. He then speaks to the crowds about John the Baptist and how he was sent by God.
Robin: Ah, and what else?
Batman: Jesus tells the people that the Kingdom of Heaven is near, and he also speaks of the sin of Capernaum, which will be punished.
Robin: Hmm, what else?
Batman: Jesus then talks about rest for those who are weary and burdened, and he calls out to the people to take his yoke and learn from him. He also warns them of judgement and invites them to come to him.
Robin: Wow, that's powerful. What else?
Batman: Finally, Jesus tells the people that he is the one who must be accepted or rejected.
Robin: Interesting. I think we have our mission. Let's get to work!