Joe: Alright, so tell us about Matthew 11.
Bible Expert: Absolutely! Matthew 11 starts off with Jesus sending out his disciples and granting them power to heal the sick and cast out demons. We then see Jesus lamenting to John the Baptist because the people don’t seem to be listening to him.
Joe: Wow, that’s wild.
Bible Expert: It sure is! Jesus then goes on to talk to the crowds and tells them that John the Baptist is the greatest of all the prophets and that anyone who is not offended by him is blessed.
Joe: Interesting.
Bible Expert: Yes, it is. Jesus then goes on to talk about how all of us should come to him to find rest. He then talks about how the people of the cities that he had been to would be judged for not accepting him, while the people of other cities that had accepted him would be blessed.
Joe: Wow, that sounds pretty harsh.
Bible Expert: Yes, it does. Jesus then goes on to talk about how he will be like a mother to the people of Israel, and will comfort them like a mother would her children.
Joe: That’s really sweet.
Bible Expert: Yes, it is. He then warns the people that if they don’t accept him, they will be judged more severely than those who had rejected John the Baptist. He then finishes off by talking about how the people should take his yoke upon them and learn from him, as he is gentle and humble in heart.
Joe: Interesting!