Joe: Hey everyone, welcome to the Joe Rogan Bible Hour! Today we have a special guest, Bible expert Dr. Bob, who’s here to talk about the book of Matthew, chapter 3.
Dr. Bob: Sure, Joe. Matthew 3 is a really important part of the Bible. It starts off with John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness, calling for people to repent and be baptized.
Joe: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. Repent? What does that mean?
Dr. Bob: Repent means to turn away from sin and turn to God.
Joe: Oh, okay. So what else is in this chapter?
Dr. Bob: Well, then we have a brief mention of Jesus coming to John to be baptized, and a voice from heaven saying that Jesus is the beloved Son of God.
Joe: Wow! That’s pretty wild stuff. So what happens next?
Dr. Bob: After that, we have the temptation of Jesus by Satan in the wilderness, followed by the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, when he starts to preach and gather followers.
Joe: Holy cow! So is that the end of the chapter?
Dr. Bob: No, the last few verses talk about John the Baptist being arrested and Jesus leaving for Galilee.
Joe: Alright. So that’s the end of Matthew 3. Anything else you want to add, Dr. Bob?
Dr. Bob: Yes, I would just say that this chapter is a great example of how God works in mysterious ways. The book of Matthew is filled with moments like this that show how God’s plan is unfolding.
Joe: Wow, that’s really interesting. Alright everyone, that’s all we have time for today. Thanks so much for joining us, Dr. Bob!