Joe: Alright, so Matthew 15. What do we got goin' on here?
Bible Expert: Well, this chapter begins with Jesus being confronted by some religious leaders who are accusing his disciples of not following their traditions.
Joe: Uh huh, so they don't like when Jesus and his disciples don't do what they want?
Bible Expert: Exactly. But Jesus responds by pointing out that their traditions are actually opposed to the teachings of God.
Joe: Wow, that's pretty bold!
Bible Expert: It sure is. Then Jesus goes on to tell a parable about a man who plants a field with good seed, but then an enemy comes and plants weeds among the wheat.
Joe: That sounds like a metaphor for something!
Bible Expert: Yeah, it's Jesus's way of pointing out that the kingdom of God will grow despite the interference of those who oppose it.
Joe: Interesting. What else?
Bible Expert: Well, then Jesus is asked a question about what is and isn't considered 'clean' according to Jewish law. And Jesus responds by pointing out that it isn't what goes into a person's mouth that makes them unclean, but what comes out.
Joe: Huh, so it's not what you put in your body, it's what you say and do?
Bible Expert: That's right. And Jesus goes on to emphasize this point by healing a woman who was considered unclean according to Jewish law.
Joe: Wow, so he was basically trying to teach a lesson about acceptance and equality?
Bible Expert: Yes, exactly. That's the main message of this chapter.