Joe: Alright, so what's going on in Matthew 2?
Bible Expert: Matthew 2 is about the visit of the Magi to Jesus when he was born.
Joe: Magi? Who are they?
Bible Expert: Magi were wise men from the East, who, following a star, found their way to the place where Jesus was born and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
Joe: Whoa, that's pretty cool! Jamie, can you Google what those gifts mean?
Jamie: Sure Joe. (Pause) According to Google, gold is a symbol of kingship, frankincense is a symbol of divinity, and myrrh is a symbol of death.
Joe: Whoa, that's wild! So what happened then?
Bible Expert: After the Magi saw the star, they traveled to Jerusalem where they asked King Herod where they could find the newborn King of the Jews. Herod was afraid and ordered the massacre of all the baby boys in and around Bethlehem.
Joe: That's horrible! What happened next?
Bible Expert: An angel warned Joseph and Mary about Herod's plan and instructed them to flee to Egypt. So, they did, and stayed there until Herod died. Then, they returned to Nazareth.