Listen, Jack, c'mon man, here's the deal. The magi from the East, y'know, show up, literally, looking for the newborn King of the Jews. They show up in Jerusalem and King Herod ain't too happy about it, what was that? He's so worried that he calls the priests and scribes together and finds out the Messiah is supposed to be born in Bethlehem. So the magi go to Bethlehem and find the baby Jesus in a manger, which, my father used to say, isn't the most luxurious place to be born, I'm not joking. But the magi, they bring gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Or uh, you know, they drop off the gifts and then they go a different way, so they don't have to go back and tell Herod. See here, Jack, no malarkey, Herod gets mad and orders the slaughter of all the children in Bethlehem who are two years old and younger. But an angel appears to Joseph and tells him to take Jesus and Mary and flee to Egypt. So they do, and they stay there until Herod dies. I tell you what, that was a long time ago, excuse me. Not gonna happen today.