Listen, Jack, here's the deal -- in Matthew 12, the folks in Jesus' hometown are pretty mad at him for healing on the Sabbath. They're like, "What's the big idea, Jesus?!" and Jesus is like, "C'mon, man, the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath". No malarkey! Then the Pharisees are like, "Uh, excuse me? What was that?!" and Jesus is like, "My father used to say: 'The Sabbath was made to serve us, not us to serve the Sabbath'". I'm not joking! So the Pharisees get even madder and they try to trap Jesus, but he's too slick for them. Literally! Then the Pharisees are like, "See here, Jack, you can't do that on the Sabbath," and Jesus is like, "Or uh, you know, if you had a sheep that fell into a ditch on the Sabbath, wouldn't you pull it out?" Not gonna happen! But I tell you what, Jesus then says something that really gets the Pharisees' goat: He says, "I am Lord even of the Sabbath." And then he heals a bunch of people and the crowds are like, "This guy is the real deal!" So, that's Matthew 12.