Folks, here's the deal: Jesus sent out the twelve disciples to preach to the people of Israel. He said, "Don't worry about what to say, I'm gonna take care of that. C'mon man, I'm gonna give you the power to heal the sick, cleanse lepers, and even raise the dead!" Now, my father used to say, "Nothing is impossible!" and he was right. Jesus said, "I'm not joking, you don't even have to take any money with you. See here, Jack, you don't even need to bring a bag or a coat. What was that? You can't really go around preaching with nothing, can you? Or uh, you know, no malarkey! Take what you need for the day and not a minute more. I tell you what, the message is gonna be heard loud and clear and it's gonna change the world. Literally. Excuse me, but it's not gonna happen overnight, and you may even face persecution. But don't be afraid - have faith in me and you'll be just fine.