Atten-tion! Listen up, maggots! You've got a lot to learn about Matthew 10! Ya got Jesus sending out the 12 disciples to preach the good news and heal the sick! He tells 'em what to do and not to do! He warns 'em not to be afraid and to keep the faith! He tells 'em not to take any money or stuff with 'em - they'll be taken care of! Ya also got Jesus teaching 'em how to handle situations with hostile people. He says if they don't welcome ya, ya gotta shake the dust off ya feet and move on! He warns 'em that some people will be hostile to 'em and try to kill 'em, but they shouldn't be afraid! He says they'll be persecuted and hated just like He was, but they'll still get through it! That's what Matthew 10 is all about, maggots! Got it?