Listen up, maggots! This is Matthew 13. Jesus is gonna tell you a bunch of stories, so pay attention! First, Jesus tells a parable about how a farmer scatters seed. Some of it falls on the path and gets eaten by birds. Some of it falls in rocky soil and dies. Some of it falls in thorns and is choked out. But some of it falls on good soil and grows. Make sure you remember that part. Then Jesus talks about how some people only hear the Word but don't understand it. It's like a seed that never takes root. Got it? Good. Then Jesus talks about how the Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. It's like a pearl of great price. And he says the Kingdom of Heaven is like a net that catches all kinds of fish. He tells the disciples to let the good fish stay, but throw out the bad. Got it? All right, now get to it!