ATTENTION! LISTEN UP! This is Matthew 7. This chapter is about judgement, so pay attention! You don't want to get this wrong! First off, don't judge others - you don't know why they're doing what they're doing, so don't go making assumptions. When you judge others, you will be judged the same way. Then Jesus talks about asking, seeking, and knocking - in other words, don't give up. Keep asking and seeking and God will answer. Then Jesus talks about false prophets and how to recognize them. Don't follow people who say they are followers of God but don't act like it. Then Jesus talks about the narrow gate - the path to Heaven is narrow, so stay away from the wide gate. There are plenty of people who will try to lead you astray. Finally, Jesus talks about building your house on the rock. The rock is Jesus - build your life on Him and you'll never be sorry. That's it for Matthew 7 - now move out!