Listen up, recruits! In Matthew 8, Jesus shows off his power. He heals a man with leprosy, and another who was paralyzed. Then He gives orders to the winds and the waves and they obey Him. He even makes a bunch of demons leave a guy, and they get into a herd of pigs and make them run into a lake and drown. Jesus then meets a Roman centurion, and the centurion says he's not worthy for Jesus to come to his house, but he believes that Jesus can heal his servant from far away. Jesus does it, and the centurion's amazed. Jesus praises the guy for having more faith than any other Jew. Then Jesus meets two other guys who want to follow Him, but He tells them to go home and bury their father first. Lastly, Jesus tells His disciples that He won't get a warm welcome in Jerusalem, and that He'll have to suffer a lot before He dies. That's it for Matthew 8! Now move out, Marines!