Listen up, recruits! This is Matthew 17. In this chapter, Jesus takes three of his disciples, Peter, James, and John, up to a mountain to pray. He then changes in front of their eyes and is transformed into a glorious figure. Meanwhile, Moses and Elijah appear and the three of them talk about Jesus' death. After that, a voice from heaven speaks and says, "This is my beloved son; listen to him!" When the three disciples hear this, they are terrified and fall on their faces. Jesus tells them to get up and not be afraid. When they get back down the mountain, they find out that a man has come to them asking for help. His son is possessed by an evil spirit and Jesus casts out the spirit and heals the boy. The disciples are astonished and amazed. Lastly, Jesus tells them that faith is required to move mountains and nothing is impossible if they have faith. That's it, recruits! That's the summary of Matthew 17.