Hey, folks, I'm Norm MacDonald here with a special report about the Bible. We've got a real doozy this week: Matthew 17. The chapter opens with Jesus and his three disciples up on a mountain, where they get a glimpse of Jesus's true glory. But then Jesus tells them to keep the whole experience a secret—which seems like a real bummer, right? Then Jesus and his disciples head back down the mountain and Jesus meets up with some of the other disciples, who are having a hard time casting out a demon from a boy. Jesus casts out the demon with a word, and then his disciples ask him why they couldn't do it. Jesus says it's because they don't have enough faith, and then he gives them a lesson about having faith the size of a mustard seed. Then the chapter ends with Jesus telling his disciples to pay the temple tax and showing them a miraculous way to pay it. So there you have it: Jesus is pretty much a miracle-working superhero in this chapter.