Alright, what do we have here? Matthew 10. It starts off with Jesus sending out his 12 disciples to preach and heal. Ya know, the usual. They have instructions to go to the lost sheep of Israel, but they can't take any extra baggage. Oh, and they're not allowed to accept money either. Get this though, Jesus tells 'em that if anyone refuses to accept them, they should shake the dust of their feet and move on. That's cold, Jesus. Then he warns 'em that people are gonna hate them and some will even kill them. Jesus is like, "But don't worry, it's gonna be fine in the end." Sure, buddy. Finally, they get some encouragement from Jesus to not be afraid, because if they stick with him, they'll be rewarded.
See ya next time for Matthew 11. That's the chapter where Jesus tells 'em to take a staff and a pair of sandals, but not a wallet, right? We'll find out.