Well folks, here's something to really chew on. In Matthew 13, Jesus is teaching the crowds in parables. He starts by talking about a farmer who scatters seeds on different soils. Some of the seeds are eaten by birds, some are attacked by thorns, and some are in good soil and bear fruit. The parable is a metaphor for those who hear the word of God. Some don't understand, some have it taken away, and some will bear fruit. Jesus goes on to explain the parables of the weeds and the mustard seed, warning us that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that needs to be sought out. He then gives us the parable of the yeast and tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a pearl of great price. Finally, he ends with the parable of the net, where the good and bad will be separated in the end. So there you have it folks, the parable of the Matthew 13.