Peter: Alright, so in Matthew 13, Jesus tells a bunch of parables.
Lois: Like what?
Peter: Well, like the parable of the sower, the parable of the weeds, the parable of the mustard seed, and the parable of the hidden treasure.
Stewie: Wow, Jesus must have been really into gardening to come up with all those parables.
Brian: Yeah, but then again, he was the 'Lawn Ranger', so it makes sense.
Lois: Alright, so what do the parables mean?
Peter: Well, the parable of the sower is about how some people will receive the Word of God and others won't, the parable of the weeds is about how there are good and bad people in the world, the parable of the mustard seed is about how even small amounts of faith can produce great things, and the parable of the hidden treasure is about how God is worth more than anything else.
Stewie: Wait a minute, so Jesus was basically trying to say that God is worth more than the entire cast of Friends?
Brian: Yeah, pretty much.