Peter: Alright, so in Matthew 16, Jesus asks his disciples who people think he is, and then he asks them who they think he is.

Brian: He's the one and only. The chosen one. He's like a superhero, except he can turn water into wine.

Stewie: Oh, more like Jesus Juice! Ha ha!

Lois: Alright, enough with the jokes, let's get back to the Bible. So, Peter says that Jesus is the Messiah, and Jesus tells them not to tell anyone. He then predicts his own death and resurrection.

Peter: And then, Jesus goes to Caesarea and talks about how the Pharisees and Sadducees are trying to find a sign from Heaven.

Stewie: So, like an alien invasion?

Lois: No Stewie, not like an alien invasion. Jesus warns the people about the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees, and then he talks about the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Brian: And then, Jesus tells his disciples that if they have faith, they can move mountains.

Peter: Right, and then in the next chapter, Jesus talks about how he will be betrayed.

Lois: Well, that's it for this chapter. Let's move on.