Folks, I'm gonna tell you what, I was reading this Bible, and I came across Matthew 16. See here, Jack, it's about Peter, who's like a holy guy and all, and Jesus says to him, “You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church.” C'mon, man, that's a pretty big statement. And then Jesus talks about how the gates of Hades won't be able to overcome his church. No malarkey. Then, Jesus starts talking about how he must suffer and die, and how he'll rise again after three days. Listen, Jack, that's some serious stuff, and it was like, thousands of years ago. My father used to say that if Jesus could go through that, then we can go through anything. I'm not joking. So, this chapter is about Jesus telling Peter about his plan, and how his church will last for all eternity. Literally. See? Here's the deal. I'm telling you, this is some powerful stuff. Or uh, you know, what was that? Not gonna happen. Excuse me.