
Folks! I'm gonna tell you the deal on this chapter in the Bible. My father used to say that the end of the world was gonna come, and I'm not joking - this is it! See here, Jack - Jesus was warning his disciples about the signs of the end times. He said that there would be wars and rumors of wars, famines and earthquakes, and people trying to false prophets. C'mon, man - literally, you could be walking down the street one day and suddenly, like, the world's gonna be turned upside down! What was that?

I tell you what - no malarkey. Jesus said that these signs would be like birth pains, and they'd get worse and worse until the world would be rocked by an even bigger sign - the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory to judge the world. And then you know what's gonna happen? Well, excuse me - not gonna happen. The sun and moon will be darkened, the stars will fall, and the heavens will pass away!

So here's the deal. Jesus said that at that time, all the nations of the world will see the Son of Man. He said that if you're alive at that time, don't be fooled by any false prophets. They'll try to convince you that Jesus isn't the Messiah, but don't believe them. He said that his return will be like lightning - everyone can see it!

And then, folks - Jesus said that two will be in the field and only one will be taken. Two will be grinding grain and only one will be taken. Literally! He said that you should always be ready, because you never know when the Son of Man is going to return. He said that if the owner of the house had known when the thief was coming, he would have been ready. So don't be caught off guard - be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour you don't expect. I'm not joking. He said that if you're faithful until the end, you'll be saved. That's it - that's the deal.