Listen, Jack, here's the deal: I'm gonna tell you what happened in Matthew 27. So, the religious leaders had Jesus arrested, folks! See here, Jack, and they took him to Pilate and asked him to sentence Jesus to death. Pilate was all like, "Nope, not gonna happen, I'm telling you." But the religious leaders kept pressuring him, and Pilate caved in and sentenced Jesus to death. Then, they took Jesus to be crucified. On the way, they forced a man named Simon to carry Jesus' cross. My father used to say, "There's no malarkey like crucifixion malarkey!" But Jesus kept on going, and he was nailed to the cross and died. Then, an earthquake shook the land, and people were terrified, literally. And then, the curtain in the temple was torn in two. C'mon, man, what was that all about? Uh, you know, I'm not gonna say, but it sure was something. And that's Matthew 27, folks, no malarkey!