
Folks! Here's the deal. Years ago, Jesus, who was, like, literally the Son of God, right? He was on his way to Jerusalem, and there he was met by some of his followers who were, like, shouting and carrying on, so he told them, c'mon, man, you're gonna have to quiet down, this ain't no party, okay? So they went to the city, and outside the gates Jesus sent two of 'em to get a donkey and a colt, and they did, and he rode into Jerusalem on that donkey, and all the people were shouting and throwing their coats on the ground and all. See here, Jack - he was like a king, no malarkey!

So then Jesus went into the Temple and started throwing out all the money changers and the sellers and all, 'cause, I'm not joking, he said it was a house of prayer, and not a place for, uh, you know, people to buy stuff. And he healed a bunch of people there, too, and the chief priests and teachers of the law were all real mad, 'cause they didn't like him telling them what to do. But my father used to say, "If it's the truth, what was that? You can't argue with it."

Anyway, Jesus left the Temple, and then he cursed a fig tree and it withered up - not gonna happen! - and then he went back to the Temple and taught some more. I tell you what, it was a powerful day in Jerusalem.