
Folks! Listen, Jack, I'm gonna tell you something about Matthew 18:15-22. See here, Jack, the chapter tells us that if we have a disagreement with someone, we should go to them directly and try to work it out. C'mon, man, my father used to say that's the only way. If the person still doesn't listen, then we should take some witnesses and go see them again. Or uh, you know, if that doesn't work, then the church should get involved. Not gonna happen? Well, I'm not joking, I tell you what, if they still won't listen, then they should be treated as an outsider. No malarkey! We should never give up on someone. That's what Jesus was saying. See, it's all about reconciliation. Literally, that's what the chapter is about. Excuse me, what was that? Oh, and let's not forget, if two people agree on something, then even Heaven will agree with it. Here's the deal: don't give up on anyone, literally!